David Lynch Working on Memoir

David Lynch Working on Memoir

David Lynch is working on a hybrid memoir-biography called Life and Work, the Guardian reports. The memoir parts will cover Lynch’s friendships, artistic development, and creative struggles. Journalist Kristine McKenna will write the biographical sections, drawing on “interviews with about 90 of Mr. Lynch’s friends, family members, former wives and artistic collaborators, including actors, agents and musicians.” A 2017 release date is projected.

“There’s a lot of bullshit out there about me, in books and all over the Internet,” Lynch said in a statement from Canongate, the book’s UK publisher. “I want to get all the right information in one place, so if someone wants to know something, they can find it here. And I wouldn’t do it with anyone other than Kristine; she and I go way back, and she gets it right.”

Ben Greenberg, the executive editor of Grand Central Publishing, added: “His approach to this book is as unique as I would have hoped it to be, and I am fascinated to see where it goes.”

Read our interview with Lynch from 2012.

Lynch is currently working on Showtime’s “Twin Peaks” reboot. Watch a trailer below:

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