FKA twigs Completes Soundtrack 7 Residency

FKA twigs Completes Soundtrack 7 Residency

Yesterday, FKA twigs finished performing a seven-day residency titled Soundtrack 7 at Manchester’s Old Granada Studios, as part of the Manchester International Festival. For the residency, she created and rehearsed a new dance piece every day, as well as directed seven different films capturing each performance. Twigs also launched a Tumblr that tracked the day-to-day progress of these performances and films in real time, including photos, video, and more. Check out some highlights from twigs’ Tumblr for the event below.

Update: Twigs’ residency will culminate in four performances that will take place between Friday July 17 and Saturday July 18 at the Old Granada Studios. These shows will be comprised of the work she compiled during her MIF Residency, which will be titled Soundtrack 7: The Performances.

Soundtrack 7 linked twigs’ work from as far back as 10 years ago with her current work, captured in dance performances choreographed by Aaron Sillis and Ukweli Roach. Twigs also released free tickets for 30-minute slots during Soundtrack 7‘s rehearsals and shoots. “I want to present all of the dancers for the physical artists that they are in an athletic way, rather than what would be pleasing with a commercial aesthetic… flesh, sweat, feeling, muscle, and a live movement, no air brushing, no frills,” she said in a statement. 

Read our interview with FKA twigs here.

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Welsh Da God Brooklyn New York. Co founder of Onthesceneny Follow me Twitter Welsh_ci/ Instagram Welsh_ci.

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