Hot Chip Create Election-Focused Website, Stream "Why Make Sense?"

Hot Chip Create Election-Focused Website, Stream "Why Make Sense?"

Hot Chip‘s new album Why Make Sense? is out later this month. To celebrate, the band has mocked up their website as a mirror Drudge Report and are streaming the title track; check it out here. (If you’re in the UK, it’ll appear as the BBC’s website.) The UK is voting on a new government today, hence all the election-themed commentary on the new website. Stay tuned to the news to see if the “eeltcoin” really is on “kinef’s edge.”

Previously, the band shared “Huarache Nights”, “Need You Now” and “Burning Up”

Watch Hot Chip do “How Do You Do?” at Pitchfork Music Festival:

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Welsh Da God Brooklyn New York. Co founder of Onthesceneny Follow me Twitter Welsh_ci/ Instagram Welsh_ci.

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