Kanye Explains Why Kim Kardashian Is The One For Him On Ellen

Kanye West went on the Ellen DeGeneres Show to explain why he’s so in love with Kim Kardashian. Kanye admits that he loves her because she’s NOT a gold-digger, but someone who has always been there to feed his ego. Check out the video below:

In case you can’t watch the whole clip, continue reading for the excerpt.

She’s a person that, when I was at my lowest moments, I could get on the phone with her and she would make me feel like I was here for a reason and I had something to say and just support me through that. It’s incredible to have a woman like that that, you know is not using you for money. I have to word it like that because once you become a multi millionaire, there’s a certain type of woman out there that go for that and they’ll put on the whole act and everything. But to have someone that has their own shit. And her personality is so calming, and I don’t if that’s the way people would describe my personality.

Well he’s back to perfect diction and proper English, I see! Which BTW, I believe is the real Kanye. I don’t think he was ever the Kanye with the street vernacular and faux hood accent. Anyway, I hope everything works out for them because Kanye is in love y’all:

People make fun of me for how in love I actually am,” a lovestruck Kanye told Ellen. “People are just so cool with their approach to things, and also I’m trying to avoid the jump-up-on-the-couch moment.

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Welsh Da God Brooklyn New York. Co founder of Onthesceneny Follow me Twitter Welsh_ci/ Instagram Welsh_ci.

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