Magic Johnson RESPONDS To Donald Sterling’s “He’s Got THE AIDS” Foolishness + Schools Folks On His Philanthropic Work

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After Donald Sterling chastised Magic Johnson in an interview with CNN, the former NBA legend is speaking out against the blackballed owner’s comments. Find out what Magic had to say inside…

After vowing to not speak about Donald Sterling this week on Twitter, former NBA star Magic Johnson (pictured above while smiling and leaving The Four Seasons Hotel today) called up TMZ to respond directly to the recent foul comments made by Donald Sterling.

Last night, the full CNN interview with the former Clippers’ owner aired.  Sterling bashed the former NBA player calling him “a man who slept around with different women and caught ‘THE AIDS’. Yes, he said this, even after Anderson corrected him that Magic actually was diagnosed with HIV.

“He acts so holy. I mean he made love to every girl in every city in America and he had AIDS. And when he had those AIDS, I went to my synagogue and I prayed for him. I didn’t criticize him. I could have. Is he an example for children?”

He added,

“What has he done? Can you tell me? Big Magic Johnson, what has he done? He’s got the AIDS. Has he helped anybody in south L.A.? What kind of a guy goes to every city have sex with every girl and catches HIV. Is that someone we want to respect and tell our kids about? I think he should be ashamed of himself! I think he should go into the background. What does he do for the black people? Doesn’t do anything. He does NOTHING. He’s all talk”

During the phone interview with TMZ, Magic touched on Sterling’s “AIDS” comment, his interaction with Sterling since the rant was released and he also reveals some of the philanthropic work he has done over the years.

“It’s very disturbing. I think when you come on, No. 1 you should have your facts straight,” said Magic Johnson.

Here are the highlights:


On having AIDS/HIV:
“I don’t have AIDS, I have HIV. I’ve been living with HIV for 22 years. That’s his opinion if he thinks I’m not a role model. I know the things that I’ve done in urban America and for people.”

On Sterling wanting to be interviewed with Magic by Barbara Waters:
“Donald Sterling reached out to me, I took the call. I’m the one, when he wanted me to go on Barbara Walters with him and try to save him and his reputation, I told him I would not go on the show with him and I told him you should seek the advice of your attorney and try to make this thing go away.”

On Sterling’s apology:
“Not once, even today, has he ever apologized to me or the other minorities he offended.”

Magic also revealed how he has helped over 10,000 minority students attend college through his Magic Johnson Foundation, how he poured over $1 billion into urban America and he also has provided over 50,000 jobs to minorities. Way better than Sterling’s 1 time $5000 donation to the L.A. chapter of the NAACP.

Magic also commented on providing computers to inner-city children and he’s overseen many job fairs and food drives.

Check it:

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Anderson Cooper will be airing his sit-down with Magic Johnson tonight on CNN at 8pm/EST. And if you missed Donald Sterling’s full CNN interview, check it out here.

Will you be tuned in?

Photos: Pacific Coast News



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