RZA on Martin Shkreli’s Wu-Tang Album: "He Bought It, He Can Do What He Wants"

RZA on Martin Shkreli’s Wu-Tang Album: "He Bought It, He Can Do What He Wants"

Photo by Jonathan Weiner

In December, it was revealed that Wu-Tang Clan‘s one-of-a-kind album, Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, was sold to controversial pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli for $2 million. Shortly thereafter, Shkreli was arrested on charges related to securities fraud. Now, RZA has opened up about the sale to Shkreli in a new interview with Bloomberg TV set to air later today, as Bloomberg reports. Update (01/06 6:45 p.m. EST): Watch video of the interview below.

“He bought it, he can do what he wants,” RZA said. “Art—the beautiful thing about art, from my standpoint, is that it has no discrimination.” He also said he “thought about” calling Shkreli following his arrest, but didn’t. 

Previously, RZA said a portion of the album’s $2 million fee was donated to charity. In the interview, he suggested that Shkreli could release the album publicly or show it in museums. “If Mr. Shkreli feels philanthropic, he has the power to do something really cool, you know what I mean?” he said. “He could do something that would allow more people to hear the record.”

He also shot down a widely disseminated rumor that a clause in the contract would allow the actor Bill Murray to steal back the album. 

Shkreli is currently out on bond.

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Welsh Da God Brooklyn New York. Co founder of Onthesceneny Follow me Twitter Welsh_ci/ Instagram Welsh_ci.

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