Sales Clerk Refuses To Sell Oprah $38,000 Bag Because It’s “Too Expensive”

Oprah Winfrey Hairstyle  Sales Clerk Refuses To Sell Oprah $38,000 Bag Because Its Too Expensive

During a recent trip Zurich, Switzerland to celebrate Tina Turner’s nuptials, Oprah stopped by the high end store Trois Pommes to shop. When asked to see the exclusive Tom Ford “Jennifer” bag worth over $38,100 in the display case –three times, Oprah was told by the sales clerk that the Tom Ford bag was too expensive for her, and was then offered some alternative bags that were more suited for her taste.

Oprah Winfrey Hairstyle  Sales Clerk Refuses To Sell Oprah $38,000 Bag Because Its Too Expensive

Granted Oprah may not have looked like Oprah at the time, Oprah still feels like racism was a factor. The store owner, however, denies those allegations and instead claims there was a language barrier. How many black American go to Trois Pommes in Switzerland, and if they’re in Switzerland to shop, they probably have some money, NO?

Anyway, check out the details according to Ms. Winfrey via The Gossip Wrap-Up.

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Welsh Da God Brooklyn New York. Co founder of Onthesceneny Follow me Twitter Welsh_ci/ Instagram Welsh_ci.

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