Why Is Gabrielle Union Defending The “On Break” Story – My Open Letter!

Gabrielle Union Celebrates Dwyane Wade Why Is Gabrielle Union Defending The On Break Story   My Open Letter!

The sad thing is, Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade would NOT have as much negative push-back regarding his cheating ways had they NOT created a publicity strategy to spin the news of his cheating ways…in other words had they not lied.  This “on break” comment was so unnecessary. If they were “on break” why were they on the red carpet at charity events and club appearances selling themselves as a strong couple to the media. During the countdown to the New Year, I pointed out in my 10 Celebs Who Should Have A Seat In 2014, that Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union were very much together in some form or fashion from December of 2012 to February of 2013. Considering Dwyane’s new son was born November 10, 1013, we can all do the math and see there is a HUGE problem with the truth surrounding his conception.

Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade bring Christmas Cheer to Miami Why Is Gabrielle Union Defending The On Break Story   My Open Letter!

[December 26, 2012 via Necole Bitchie]

3 Gabby Union Dwyane Wade Hennessey LIV Why Is Gabrielle Union Defending The On Break Story   My Open Letter!

[Hennessey Club Appearance January 9, 2013]

Sadly, Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade didn’t have to try and spin something that shouldn’t have been spun. A simple “respect our privacy” would have worked better, if they were not ready to just tell the truth. Tabloids still would have dug up details of the affair, but neither of them would look like liars who fabricated a story just to have good publicity for an engagement already tainted with this very sticky situation. Let’s just be honest, Dwyane Wade cheated, it’s been in the rumor mill for about 11 months now, and when Gabrielle Union found out about the child, they then took a “break”, but she came right back to him and they worked through it. But before we judge them for their media lies, and his cheating, we should work on ourselves. *side-eye girl don’t deflect*

Gabrielle Union Celebrates Dwyane Wade Why Is Gabrielle Union Defending The On Break Story   My Open Letter!

[NBA Finals Celebration June 21, 2013]

Gabrielle Union Defends Dwyane Affair Why Is Gabrielle Union Defending The On Break Story   My Open Letter!

Gabrielle Union can stop the twitter dramatics and misdirected anger to worry about why she thinks this situation is even defensible for a woman of her status. Gabrielle Union, needs to really work on herself and not the ring!!! What happened to, “Yes rumors are true, I was hurt by the situation, but I have since forgiven him and we’re working on our future.” Instead it’s our faults, and we need to work on ourselves instead reading the messages that they put out in the media to spin their wrong-doings.” Interesting…considering they brought this mess to the media with a pretty bow.

Last but not least, they didn’t have to tweet pictures of their engagement and blast it to the world knowing that they were about to drop an even bigger bombshell regarding his new son. Someone in the media beat them to it, but don’t think for a minute that this wasn’t a strategic publicity plan to protect a brand, after all this power couple has been on the cover of Essence. This is what bothers so many people about celebrities who manipulate media to stay in the headlines. While other celebs rely on their true talents and keep a fine line between themselves and the media, people like the Kardashians constantly manipulate it for fame. Just like MTO gives bloggers a bad name, Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade’s little publicity stunt gives celebrities a bad rep. SMH!

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The post Why Is Gabrielle Union Defending The “On Break” Story – My Open Letter! appeared first on MrsGrapevine.com.

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Welsh Da God Brooklyn New York. Co founder of Onthesceneny Follow me Twitter Welsh_ci/ Instagram Welsh_ci.

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