Yay Or Nay: Forest Whitaker In Talks To Play Martin Luther King Jr

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There are certain projects that actors get involved with that just look/sound/smell like Oscar.  And this is defintely one of them.  The Wrap is reporting that Oscar winning actor Forest Whitaker is in talks to play civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in a movie called Memphis.  Apparently Memphis will be shot in a documentary style, just like the director Paul Greengrass shot the movie United 93.

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Story follows Dr. King’s final days as he struggles to balance his personal life and the civil rights movement while he organizes what ends up being his last protest march in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was assassinated by James Earl Ray. Simultaneously, the FBI, which had been wiretapping King before his death, leads an intense manhunt for his killer.King’s family is developing their own project at DreamWorks and along with his close confidante Andrew Young, they have objected to Greengrass’ intended warts-and-all portrayal of King.

Seems like the movie will have some drama surrounding it even before it hits the screens.  MLK will be portrayed in a state of depression and I don’t think the family wants that to be his legacy.  I personally think that Forest playing MLK is a win.  He has the talent.  And he may not necessarily look the part, I think his acting skills will make up for the visuals.  So what do you think?  Is Forest a good choice or should someone else get the part?Similar Posts:

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Welsh Da God Brooklyn New York. Co founder of Onthesceneny Follow me Twitter Welsh_ci/ Instagram Welsh_ci.

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