Zimmerman Trial Juror B-29: “Trial Ruined My Life”

Juror B 29 Maddy Zimmerman Trial Juror B 29: Trial Ruined My Life

Following the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman trial, a couple of the jurors who served on the jury came forward to share their thoughts about what happened.  One of them, Juror B-29, came forward as the only minority woman on the jury.  ”Maddy” talked about her feelings following the trial; she received much criticism as well, because she shared that following the trial, she wasn’t even certain that she did the right thing, in not convicting George Zimmerman.  And now, according to The Orlando Sentinel, her involvement in the trial has made her life a living hell.

Juror B 29 Maddy Zimmerman Trial Juror B 29: Trial Ruined My Life

Maddy claims to have been receiving death threats, has lost her job and is facing eviction.  Listen.  Maddy wasn’t required to share her story once the trial was done.  So I really am not feeling any sympathy towards her situation.  Considering there’s a family out there that is still dealing with the death of their son.  And every time George Zimmerman is in the news now, it’s regarding something with guns and police.  But maybe I’m being too judgemental. Check out the clip below and share your thoughts

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Welsh Da God Brooklyn New York. Co founder of Onthesceneny Follow me Twitter Welsh_ci/ Instagram Welsh_ci.

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