Kanye Did ‘What He Does To His Own Records’ For Upcoming A.P.C Collaboration


Photo: Instagram/@VirgilAbloh

Although Kanye West is currently on tour—being awesome no doubt—the rapper is gearing up for the release of his second and last collaboration collection with clothing brand A.P.C. Style caught up with Jean Touitou, founder of A.P.C, to talk about what it was like working with Kanye for the second time and how the two conceived the line together. Confirming what all of us already assumed, Touitou explained the challenges of collaborating with Kanye. Check out his candid responses below.

How did the process of working with Kanye evolve over time?

The process was easier the second time because we have learned more from each other, and then also we stopped by the military archive. It was surprisingly easier the second time, except at the end.

What happened at the end?

What happened at the end is exactly what he does to his own records, so I didn’t take it personally—like when it’s something he makes, and ten days before it drops, and then he wants to start from scratch. In music things are so possible, especially with today’s technology, good engineer, good computer, you could stretch time, but in fashion there are so many people involved, from weaving, knitting, choosing the yarn, choosing the color, making the pattern, making the first samples. It’s so much more material, but again, I don’t feel badly about him pushing the limits. So that was the difficulty. But apart from that, it was perfectly easy.

The line goes on sale July 17.


For more of the interview and the lookbook, visit Style.com.

The post Kanye Did ‘What He Does To His Own Records’ For Upcoming A.P.C Collaboration appeared first on StyleBlazer.

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Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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