Target Attempts The Ultimate Thigh Gap And Fails Terribly

Target swimsuit


Target is having a rough start to 2014. In addition to dropping sales due to the holiday breach in December, they’ve struggle to gain back a lot of their loyal customers. Their CIO, Beth Jacobs resigned last week. And Swatch plans on suing them for copied watch designs.

In addition to all this struggle, it looks like their graphic design department is getting reckless with merchandise photos.




Jezebel first noticed this major Photoshop error on a Xhilaration Junior’s Midkini 2-Piece Swimsuit in leopard print. At first glance the fresh-faced model looks perfectly normal, until you look at her crotch (not to sound like a creeper). In an attempt to give the model a defined thigh gap they took off too much and cut the actual swimsuit– and her crotch.

The subtle error only opens up the bigger issue of societies fixation with thigh gaps and being thin as possible.

Needless to say, the post was taken down and Target has yet to comment. But by the look of things, it’ll have to take a backseat to their other pressing issues.

The post Target Attempts The Ultimate Thigh Gap And Fails Terribly appeared first on StyleBlazer.

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Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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