Brittany Is Naturally Glam!

Were you a slow transitioner or a Big Chopper & why? (tell us your natural hair journey)
I was a slow transitioner. I’ve always had what people considered “good hair”, so cutting my hair wasn’t an option. I had gotten a few unnecessary perms just because I wanted them. Definitely not one of my brightest moments. I wish someone would’ve told me not to get one! Then to make it worse I was always applying heat to my hair. I’d blow dry my hair on high, then I would flat iron my hair on the highest setting. I was flat ironing my hair almost every day in middle school.

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Had you always embraced your texture? 
I never really knew my natural hair was so curly! I was always straightening my hair, it was a weekly thing! I would wash it then blow dry and flat iron, which was a long process. One day, after washing my hair, I decided to let it air dry and I feel in love with my curls. I didn’t fully embrace my curls and start wearing them until 11th grade.

How did family and friends react to your decision to go natural? How did they react to the new you? What was your response to them? 
Everyone loves my natural hair! In the beginning my mom wasn’t really a big fan of my curls though. I was (& still am) learning what works for my hair. She’d say “Your hair looks so dry! Put some shine in it.” I didn’t really take it to heart though, I knew she was just looking out for me. Fast-forward 3 years and she’s still the same but I think my natural look has grown on her.

Describe your hair (fine or coarse, thin or thick, highly porous, low, etc.) 
I have thick hair and it’s pretty long. I’ve read about porosity but I haven’t tried to test mine yet. After dying my hair, I feel like my curls became looser, especially in the back.

What’s your current hair routine? How often do you wash, condition, and style? favorite products! Deets! 
Since it’s, hopefully, nearing the end of winter I’m back curly again. I recolored my hair burgundy in December, so I’m using Tresemme Color Revitalize Shampoo & Conditioner. After that I may use Ouidad Moisture Lock or Cantu Leave-In Conditioning Repair Cream. To finish off I use La Bella Lots of Curls Styling Gel. I shampoo once a month, condition twice a week , and deep condition once a week. I’m a product junkie so the products I use are always changing. I’m learning to discipline myself so I don’t buy out the hair section! In the winter, my hair is almost always in a big bun. Once the weather breaks I let my hair air dry and I wear it out.

How do you maintain your hair at night? 
I usually pineapple my hair. If I’m being lazy I stuff all my hair in a bonnet, but it won’t look too good in the morning!

How do you maintain healthy length? 
I have no idea honestly! I’m still learning the ins and outs of my hair. I think keeping my ends moisturized and detangling helps. Going natural has definitely caused my hair to grow. When straightened, my hair was armpit length now it’s waist length.

What’s the best thing about being curly? 
Curls come in different shapes, sizes, lengths, and colors. My hair can never look like anyone else’s! Although my curly routine seems like a lot of work sometimes, I love how I look with curls!

Where can folks find you on the web? 
Twitter: @Pocahontass_B
Insta: @Pocahontass_B

About Author /

Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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