Caring for Natural Hair in College

Hey College Curlies! Feeling a little lost when it comes to caring for your hair now that you’ve moved out? Here are some simple tips you can try to find your curly way amongst your new world away from home. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to being the campus Curly Ambassador.

1. Pick a Wash Day
Depending on your school schedule, pick a day you don’t have much to do. Going longer than a week to wash your hair is a no-no. You don’t want to cause tangles and breakage or even matting (locing) by avoiding your wash day. Managing your time to care for yourself is crucial to your health and beauty! If you have classes everyday of the week, pick Saturday as your wash day and use Sunday to style your hair.

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2. Keep it Healthy
Outside of keeping up a healthy balanced diet, make sure to deep condition on at LEAST one of your wash days per month. If time permits deep condition on a wash day basis. One way to deep condition on-the-go is to put a plastic cap over your deep conditioning tresses, and then a beret type hat over that. It’s a clever disguise that keeps those curls looking great! Hot oil treatments are essential as well. Massage oil onto your scalp with your favorite oil to relieve the stress from that last mid-term.

3. Stretch & Go
Similar to the wash a go The Stretch & Go can be a lifesaver for those of you with a busy college schedule. Wash and style your hair on the weekend. 4 plait-braid outs, twist outs and high buns are great ways to stretch curly/coily hair. Once your hair is stretched you’ll avoid tangles and prevent long detangling sessions on wash day. Plus, you can style you hair each morning in a different way! Just braid, plait or twist the night before while your watching TV. In the morning take it out and go!

4. Be a Fly College Curly
Just because time is hard to come by, doesn’t mean you have to be boring when it comes to styling your hair. In college I was famous for using each day to get through my weekly regimen. For example, Sunday would be my wash day. After putting in some leave-in conditioner and sealing with an oil I bunned it up for the night (it’s easy to bun your hair while damp). Monday I would rock a cute, huge bun while my hair continued to air dry. Monday night I would braid my hair into 4 plaits and rock the deep wavy look out or in a pony-tail all day Tuesday & Wednesday. Wednesday night I’d try smaller braids to rock all day Thursday. Friday would be the wildcard! My hair was fully stretched by then and I could style it into a fierce updo or leave it wavy for the weekend festivities!

5. Sharing is Caring?
If your’e sharing you’re living space in the dorms or an on-campus apartment certain etiquette should be practiced. If you know for the next 2 hours you’ll be taking up the shower for your next detangling and washing session, be mindful of your roommates schedule. The same goes for product sharing and organization. There’s nothing worse than grabbing for your favorite leave-in after rinsing out your deep conditioner and finding it empty or not where you left it last! *cue the horror music* Communicate! You’ll often find that with communication your new living arrangement is more fun than an headache.
Of course college curlies can wash and go too! Check out this Day to Day Curly Routine video, where I walk through how little time and effort it takes to maintain a big fluffy wash and go over 5-6 days!

How do you keep your hair up in college? 

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Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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