Glamping- Our African Safari

so this happened. 

We woke up at a disrespectful 5am and drove across the tip of Africa from Western to Eastern Cape to visit the game reserve Botlierskop, located about 12 miles from the Indian Ocean. ‘Astonishingly beautiful scenery’ aren’t even the words.  Imagine the landscapes of California, France and Montana in the same place. This land is absolutely beautiful and enormous.

Tamron Hall, Johnny Wright, Moshe, Hubby and I made the four-hour trip in two rentals, on the wrong side of the road, with completely new driving rules (like passing on the right). Fun times. In this short period of time, we drove across mountains (into the low-hanging clouds), through valleys, and across plains.  Hubby with his lead foot had my pressure up, but he got us there safe.

Read On!>>>
When we finally made it to the game reserve, I was without words.  The park is huge, beautiful, and as glam as a completely rugged establishment can be. We were greeted at the gate by the courteous staff who whisked our bags to our luxury tents and served us champagne, coffee and whatever the hell else we wanted. After a nice lunch where Springbok, Ostrich, and Warthog were on the menu (I’ll have the chicken fingers please and thank you!) we jumped in the off-road vehicle to immediately go on a game drive. The reserve really has to be seen to be believed…so check out the view.

Johnny and Tam #SafariReady 

Moeshe and his glowing rocks! #IWantOne 

and apparently Johnny #WokeUpLikeDis 
 we moved inside because nature was getting on me and Johnny was sweating #WeDontDoTheOutdoors

peep the digs, tho!

I could wear this vest EVERYDAY of my life! #SafariReady
it’s air-conditioned, and there’s wifi in the main lodge, lol, but we’re still outside and I’m fanning bugs constantly.  That’s a mosquito net around the bed.  It’s my sanctuary! 

peep the private, outdoor shower! I was in there this morning getting my life til I saw a spider. #Done
Hubby ready for safari!

My hair after the humidity happened 

Look who we found found us on the drive!

them lashes, tho!


our amazingly informative guide, Marco, stopped for snacks and champagne! 

#TheCrew under our fav tree

Johnny says- ‘Safari at the beautiful Botlierskop Private Game Reserve. We saw EVERYTHING!! And yes that’s@tamronhall literally #turntup in the back. Lmao.

Where’s Waldo?!

he was like, ‘boo, bye.’ 

 and we’re back at the lodge!  Do you see my eyes?! I’m so very sleep deprived! At one point I was nodding out on the safari! 

Tam on her #GreekGoddess for dinner!

Later Gators,

Follow Johnny Wright on Instagram- @Johnnywright220
Follow Tamron Hall on Instagram- @TamronHall

About Author /

Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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