Juliet Marz is Naturally Glam!

Tell me a little about yourself and your hair journey.
I’m Juliet Marz and I’m a Afro-Latina Hair Consultant/Influencer and a Hair&Beauty Blogger from Connecticut, but I now reside in New Jersey.  When I moved from Connecticut to New Jersey, I stopped going to the stylist who did my hair from ages 16-20. I literally stopped getting relaxers cold turkey and just wore my hair in buns for an entire year. I didn’t even know what transitioning was. I just stopped getting my hair done, and stopped putting heat in it. Eco styler gel was my best friend. One day, I came across the website naturallycurly.com and read a few articles and started to realize that I’d been transitioning for an entire year and maybe I should cut off my relaxed ends and go natural. So that’s just what I did, I bought a pare of sheers from Walmart and cut all of the straight ends off. I was scared but hey, it’s just hair. I’ve dyed & fried my hair since I was 14 years old so doing this didn’t scare me as much as having damaged hair for the rest of my life. After I cut my hair I went to Sally’s beauty supply and bought Beautiful Textures entire line of products. I researched day in and day out about all things natural hair. I didn’t like my hair in the beginning but once I started to learn more about MY natural hair and what it likes, I started to embrace it and even love it. I then started to help others build regimens and answer all the questions they had even if it was the middle of the night, I wanted to help. Going natural has been the best decision I’ve ever made and I would love to help others feel secure about their natural hair and not hide it like I did for years.

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How long have you been natural? Have you always embraced your curls?
I’ve been natural since 2012 and I’m never looking back! No I haven’t always embraced my curls, as a child, my Mother brushed my curls out and put them into two pigtails.

What motivated you to transition? Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper& why?
I guess you can say I did the bigchop/minichop. I transitioned until my natural hair was touching my shoulders. I was always into big hair and I couldn’t achieve that look with dull, damaged, flat hair.

 How would you describe your hair?
My hair is pretty thick, I have very tight curls, most would consider them to be type 3b & 3c but mostly 3c. I don’t have any trouble with my hair matting, but I do experience a lot of single strand knots.

What do you love most about your hair?
I love how versatile my hair can be. One day I may want to wear it slicked back into a bun, next day maybe I’ll wear it big, the day after that I may want some tight defined curls. The hair styles are endless!

What has been the most memorable part of your journey?Has it been easy or difficult or both?!
The most memorable part of my journey is when I first cut my hair, I remember not liking how my hair didn’t frame my face and that I wanted instant gratification. That doesn’t happen when you first cut your hair. You have to slowly get your hair used to being in its natural state.

What are (or were) some of your favorite transitioning hairstyles or current dos?
I didn’t have any, all I wore were slicked back buns. They were everything during my time of transitioning.

What have your experiences been as a ‘natural.’ Any memorable reactions from family or others?
The only thing I’ve experienced is other people thinking my hair was a weave. My family didn’t really care, but I do remember my Poppy (father) saying that my hair reminded him of when I was a little girl with a head full of hair.

What is your hair regimen (including fav products)?
I switch up my products a lot so my hair doesn’t get used to one product but I do have a consistent regimen that I follow. I co-wash once a week, shampoo every 2 weeks with sulfate free shampoo, deep condition every 1-2 weeks, and I always do the LOC method. Sometimes I change it up maybe doing the OLC or LCO, I love them all. My all time fav product brands are Ecocobeauty (makers of Eco Styler Gel, Shea Moisture, and Cantu Shea Butter. I never stray away from these brands. I’ve been using them for years.

What are some of your favorite natural hair websites,YouTuber’s, or blogs?
My all time favs are SunkissAlba, HeyFranHey, and ItsmyRayeRaye

Anything you want the readers to know? Inspirational words?
You may go through some hard times during your natural journey, but remember , you aren’t going natural, your returning natural. We were born natural and now we are just embracing the beauty we once knew. No matter the texture, color or length of your hair, we are all uniquely beautiful.

Where can people find you for more information?
Blog- JulietMarz.blogspot.com
Instagram- JulietMarz
Facebook- JulietMarz
Twitter- JulietMarzz
Tumblr- JulietMarz
Google+- JulietMarz
My 24 hour Hair,Skin&Beauty Tip Line-(203)-544-4933

Global Couture is trying to spread the word about embracing your natural hair. Love your HAIR, if it is wavy, curly, kinky or coily.
Are you naturally fierce? Email us to share your hair journey at [email protected].

About Author /

Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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