Luciana Is Naturally Glam

My name is Luciana and this is my journey (back) to natural.

Were you a long term or short term transitioner, and why?
I was a long term transition. I’ve never had short hair before, so I was a bit afraid of the big chop. However, I can totally see myself big chopping my next go round.


When did you BC? What was your initial reaction to your natural hair? 
My last perm was in April 2010, which was actually after my first attempt at transitioning (9 months). I regretted that perm almost immediately and decided it would be my last. I grew it out and finally chopped off those dreadful straight ends in October of 2011. My initial reaction to my natural hair was pure joy; to finally see my true curl pattern! Bliss!

How did family and friends react to the new you? What was your response to them?
My family was surprised but very supportive! Their support is what got me over that second 9 month mark because that was my biggest struggle during my transitioning phase. Those straight ends are the work of the Devil.

What was your transition routine (products included)?
My transition routine was co-washing, moisturizing with the LOC method and protective styling. I used very little heat during this time because I was aware of how fragile my hair was during the transitioning phase.

What was your staple hair style during the transition?
My staple hairstyles during the transitioning phase were twist-outs, braid-outs, buns, and flat twists.

How did you moisturize your hair to prevent breakage at the new growth line?
I used the LOC method (Liquid, Oil, Cream). Water or sometimes a mixture of water and conditioner was my liquid. My hair loves coconut oil, so that became my staple oil. And while transitioning, I was a faithful Cantu Shea butter user.

Why did you choose to go natural?
My choice to go back natural had a lot to do with my daughter. At the time, she was at the age where she was wanting to express herself with her hair. She wanted to try weave and see what her hair would look like straight; so I decided to try natural hairstyles on her like braids and twist outs because I didn’t want her to get a weave or a perm. But I also didn’t want her to feel like I was preaching to her about natural hair being great while perming my own.

About Author /

Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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