Naturally Fit with LaChristin- Home Training

by LaChristin of Digital Curls

Anybody and everybody could use a little home training! Working out from home wasn’t initially my preference; however, overtime I became more receptive to implementing it into my schedule. With continuous constraints such as volunteering, attending appointments, budgeting, cooking, cleaning, parenting (also known as refereeing), and running of errands I’m not always left with an adequate amount of time to hit up the gym. Even with life leaving little to no pockets for fitness, I turn my home into a proving grounds to test myself physically, work up a good sweat, and relieve stress.

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I guess one could say I take the phrase “get in where you fit in” to heart, but it does speak to me! It serves as a reminder that time is of the essence, and it has to be utilized to its fullest extent. You can lose $20 (I know it hurts) and get back another $20, but if you lose 20 minutes, you’ll never get back another 20 minutes. This is why home training is extremely important to me! It helps me to stay disciplined, maximize my time, and remain an honest broker in maintaining a fit and healthy lifestyle especially when attending the gym is in direct conflict with my schedule. Not to mention, it’s convenient, affordable, and easily accessible!

A few of my favorite exercises to execute from home include: squats, push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, dips, planks, lunges, and the oh-so inspiring motivators! I typically perform each of the above stated exercises in four sets, with no more than 12 to 15 repetitions in each set. This can be modified to each individual’s physical capabilities; whether you’re a beginner, at an intermediate stage, or working at an advanced level. Remember; listen to your body, take a slow and steady approach, and you’ll see an increase in the number of sets and repetitions you can perform. Make moves that make a difference!

Keep up with LaChristin here- 

She will be contributing regularly to help us keep it tight! #PeepThemGuns

About Author /

Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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