Sable- "A flower must be watered in order to grow!"

Were you a transitioner or a Big Chopper? What was your journey like?
Originally, I tip-toed around the thought of doing the big chop. Although I really wanted to start my journey, I was still insecure as to what others’ reaction would be (seeing me with long hair extensions to suddenly seeing me with my TWA) however, I wasn’t doing it for them. I was doing it for myself and also my daughter.  My favorite quote is “Be the change that you want to see in the world”-Ghandi.  It was so important for me to led by example.  So with added encouragement from my husband and my best friend, Taisa (who was also natural), I did the big chop! It was a great feeling, and the best decision ever!

Had you always embraced your texture?
I did not always embrace my texture. I remember being the only one in my middle school to wear my curly natural. At that time I felt like the black sheep. After which, I’ve had relaxers, texturizers, and hair extensions. Now, however I’m a globetrotting wife and mother, who enjoys being the black sheep! No matter what country we’re in. I love being the only one walking around with my hair texture, standing out, and making a statement! It’s my crown, I take pride in the exclusivity of it.


How did family and friends react to your decision to go natural? What was your response to them? 
Although I was still getting use to it. Everyone else seemed to loved it! I’ve always been into beauty and fashion. So, I would hear things like “you make everything look good”.  They didn’t know how much the compliments meant at the time!

Describe your hair (fine or coarse, thin or thick, highly porous, low, etc.)
My hair has two different textures. The crown of my hair thick, were as the nape is a loose curl. It also grows fast at the nape, so I have to trim it more. Otherwise I’ll have a cute (or not so cute) mullet look going on!

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to your hair? 
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. In the past I wondered why my hair wasn’t growing with a relaxer or hair extension. It was growing, but it was breaking just as much. I’m now realizing that the craziest thing was not giving it the proper TLC, for years! I should say LOC. My hair needs liquid, oil, and cream daily!

What’s your biggest hair related regret?
My biggest hair regret is not loving my texture sooner! Have you ever looked at an old picture and said “what was I thinking!”. Well I’m sure I’ll have a few of those moments about my hair over the decades!!

What’s your current hair routine? How often do you wash, condition, and style? Favorite products! Deets!
My hair routine consists of No-poo washes 2-3 days per week. (Unless I have a certain protective style up. It may be less.)  I also use LOC/LCO methods in between.
My favorite products that I try to stock up on when in the States are; Tresseme Naturals Conditioner, Deva Curl Conditioner, Miss Jessie’s Jelly. Currently I’m in the Philippines, where I use a lot of local products with a coconut or aloe vera base and Monea curl defining milk. Coconut oil is my favorite!

What’s your favorite hairstyle? Where do you get hairstyle inspiration?
I always try to switch it up depending on the occasion as well as what inspires me.
However one of favorite hair styles is wearing it two high buns. My daughter calls me Minnie! Wash and goes are great too. And goddess braid can be quick and chic! I love them all! 🙂

Who is your curl crush?
Anyone who’s rocking their curls with confidence, is my crush! It’s so inspirational to see and be surround by others with similar energy. Following Curly Nikki, Mahogany Curls, and Chime Edwards were huge inspirations from the beginning of my journey! I also love that we have YouTube now a days. I watch tutorials of so many vloggers to observe their use products, and styles. A must follow on IG, is @jfashiongirl87. She’s another fashion forward mommy, who I get inspiration from. Her style is awesome!

How do you maintain your hair at night?
I do my hair routine, a quick scalp massage, style (bantu knots, twists, goddess braids). Wrap with silk scarf. Preserving an actual style is another story that I’m still trying to perfect. But, hey nobody’s perfect. Trial and error! 🙂

How do you maintain healthy length?
In order for my hair to flourish, I have to do my hair routine 2-3 time per week. A flower must be watered in order to grow! Also not using heat, and low manipulation as worked for me tremendously!

What’s the best thing about being natural?
Being natural has been the best decision ever. It was a rebirth of myself. In the process of learning about my hair, I have also grown to learn so much about myself. Now I have a passion to help empower other women. Ultimately to show and prove to society that black women are born valuable, worthy, and our greater purpose in life matters just the way we are. 🙂

Where can folks find you on the web?
Please keep in touch and reach out to me via the following sources. I would love to hear from you!:
Personal IG: @sabemckines
Blog IG/FB: @sweetsabes

About Author /

Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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