When Your Default Emotion is Sadness

“Creation is an extension of thought. Think lack and get lack. Think abundance and you get abundance.”  – Marianne Williamson

I can’t get enough positive affirmation.  Can’t get enough truth and stripped down honesty and inspiration. I’m never satisfied.  Always looking for growth and life lessons and proof of grace.  Because I have always been drawn to sad things and melancholy, anything emotional and heart-wrenching, so I instinctively seek to balance that out.  With meaning and enlightening ideas.  Faith and creativity.  This is the only way I know how to live and thrive.  I’m not always happy, but I’m always hopeful.

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Because if you’re like me, maybe you’re drawn to sad things too and you’ve wondered how to not think so much about struggle and grief and loss.  Uneasy, bothered…anxious thoughts.  The kind that distract you from gratitude and grace and make it hard to function at the level you want.  And if you’re like me, you know that your thoughts create your life and if you’re thinking about awful things all the time, then what effect is that having on the life you’re living?

Writing is a creative way to change your thoughts.  To program yourself to think differently and change the way your mind processes your feelings.  You’ve got to honor the way you feel, but you can manage your emotions (how you react to those feelings) by observing yourself and actively choosing where you want your energy to go.

One of the ways I use writing to do this is through my Limitations and Affirmations exercise.  Essentially, it’s becoming your own cheerleader.  Pulling out the inspiration that is already inside of you, but sometimes gets buried beneath the negative thoughts.  So you write your fear or limiting thought as a statement and then you write positive statements to counter it.  It doesn’t make the fearful thoughts go away forever, but what it does is it triggers your mind to work for you, not against you, and it distracts you from the negative thought patterns that can so easily take over when left unchecked.


A few examples:

“What if I believe, believe, believe and still something terrible happens?  It’s better to be realistic and prepare for the worst.”

“Be a prisoner of hope.” I read that in one of Joel Osteen’s books.  There are facts and figures and probabilities but when you are a prisoner of hope, none of those things can shake you. Sure, make your plans and protect yourself, but in your mind you are wise to always expect positive outcomes. What you focus on always grows. Grow your faith. Grow your confidence.

“I don’t have anything to say that hasn’t been said before.”

Your perspective matters.  You have a certain slant that you bring to everything.  Take time to figure out what that is, how to develop and express it.  Explore what you think, what intrigues you, what you agree with and disagree with.  Don’t underestimate your relevance and don’t stifle your questions.  These are the breadcrumbs that will lead you through a purposeful life.

“No one ever understands my point of view, so I’m sure I am the only one who feels the way I do.”

Don’t measure yourself according to the way the world receives you. Start with a core, fundamental appreciation for your life and the way your Creator made you, and build upon that. Authentic power comes from being yourself regardless of outside validation. This kind of power is magnetic and will both attract and polarize people and that’s okay. If everyone loves you and no one disagrees with you ever, then you are probably watering yourself down too much.

“The vision I have for myself scares me.  It’s unattainable. I’m sure to mess it up. There’s no way I can get from here to there.”

“True desire in the heart for anything good, is God’s proof to you that it’s yours already.  You already have it.  Claim it.”   Denzel Washington.  Admit to yourself what you really want and believe that desire is in you for a reason.  If you don’t trust in your own inner voice, you can easily go through life believing all the lies and limitations and miseries you absorb from the world.  When you feel doubt, fear, anxiety, it is a sign that you are getting closer. Push through it. Don’t think about the distance. Think about how it will feel to live a life that shuns fear.

“I’m so used to struggling and making things difficult for myself.  I can’t change.  I’m just made this way.”

You are the whole, not the pieces.  You are not your fears, your anger, your grief, your pain.  You are not the mistakes you’ve made in the past and you are not your limiting beliefs about the future.  No matter what happens, bring yourself back to the wholeness of who you are.  Someone hurts you?  Let it hurt, then come back to the whole.  You get sick?  Feel the fear and the pain, and keep coming back to the whole.  Think of your wholeness as your soul, the light inside that is not of this world.   You were made whole.  You are whole.  You’re just having a human experience.  Remember that.


Our emotions are demanding, but once we have a better understanding of where they come from and how to channel them, we can find more ease in our journeys.  Will you try this exercise?   Give it a chance?    If this resonates with you, I’m working on something special that I’ll be ready to share on October 1.  Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!

Love you long time.  Be sure to connect with me below before you go.  Stay in the light.  xo

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Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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