Anna Kendrick Sexy Leggy Killer Overbite in Glamour

Once the photography world gets you into a certain pigeon hole, it’s tough to break free. Anna Kendrick will perhaps forever be the cookie Mary Tyler Moore independent urbane woman with just the ever so slightest bit of naughty. In the very least, I’d like to think Anna is more the biggest bit of naughty type, at least more so than expressed in her very demure, though quite leggy pictorials as in this little spread in Glamour U.K.

I’m one in the group who finds Anna’s overbite alone quite alarming to many of my reflexive acting body parts. Something about that ability to nibble a tad bit deeper than most. Throw in those sextastic gams and the fun times lie ahead smile and you have the recipe for why so many men dream of Anna Kendrick as their minxy girlfriend. Let’s just call her ‘charming’ for now and think the dirtier words silently in our heads. Enjoy.

Photo Credit: Glamour UK

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Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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