George Zimmerman’s Wife, Shellie Files For Divorce

George Zimmerman Shellie Divorce George Zimmermans Wife, Shellie Files For Divorce

Shellie Zimmerman who just plead guilty to misdemeanor perjury for hiding money during her husband’s trial, is filing for a divorce from said husband, George Zimmerman, according to TMZ. Shellie says the two have been having problems for awhile, although she stood by him through his second degree murder trial, he didn’t even show up to stand by her or share the blame in her misdemeanor perjury hearing. Yet, another example of how honorable “Georgie” really is.

George Zimmerman Shellie Divorce George Zimmermans Wife, Shellie Files For Divorce

In an interview with Good Morning America last week, Shellie revealed the couple had been living like gypsies since the murder and their marital problems began long before the trial. On the night of Trayvon’s murder, Shellie was not with George Zimmerman because the couple had a heated argument. She packed her things and left to stay with her father. Why this information didn’t come out during the trial is interesting to me, Zimmerman obviously wasn’t in a peaceful state of mind, but that’s all in the past, right?

Shellie hasn’t filed the divorce papers just yet, but her lawyer has prepared them, meanwhile George Zimmerman is somewhere acting brand new now that he is a national self-defense hero for killing a 17 year old black kid. Karma is on its way.

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