Third Man Records Clarifies Jack White’s Touring Break, Relationship With Meg White, Tidal, More

Third Man Records Clarifies Jack White's Touring Break, Relationship With Meg White, Tidal, More

This past weekend, Jack White held a Q&A with members of Third Man Records’ Vault, an online community hosted on the label’s website. White answered questions about his relationship with former White Stripes bandmate Meg White, his future touring plans (or lack thereof), click-bait headlines, and more.

Now, Third Man has issued a statement via Facebook in an attempt to clear up misconceptions regarding White’s answers in the Q&A. Read the whole thing here.

In response to questions about the status of his relationship with former partner Meg White, in the Q&A, White wrote that “she doesn’t answer her phone,” later adding that “that time is gone.”

Third Man now clarifies:

She doesn’t have to answer her phone. He’s not even complaining about that nor is it depressing. The White Stripes is over and it’s been said a hundred times, and maybe that’s just the quickest way for him to answer that question he gets asked a dozen times a day. Jack loves Meg, and she’s an incredible drummer – nobody can do what she does and did with the White Stripes- but those days are unfortunately gone. Let’s move on, Jack and Meg have. And in the meantime we’re still selling their records (WINK!).

White also made reference during the Q&A to taking a break from the road following his extensive tour behind last year’s Lazaretto. (Earlier this year, it was announced that he would be “taking a break from performing live for a long period of time.”) Third Man said:

Never touring again – He never said that, but he IS taking a long break from the road (which was previously announced and discussed drama free over a month ago). He said he’d like to do acoustic shows in sit down venues and electric shows in standing venues. He said he doesn’t like festivals but hey, he does them anyway and he makes them work. Bonnaroo and Coachella were two of the greatest shows he’s ever been a part of (hell, we released his Bonnaroo set as a Vault release cause we loved it so much). He is not quitting music. He’s working with the Dead Weather next week, he’s involved in several projects we’re not even gonna tell you about right now cause we don’t want to ruin the surprise.

The Third Man Facebook post also referenced White’s recent Tidal Q&A and “music is sacred” poem:

The poem he wrote and we posted the other day… it’s part of a larger idea that has nothing to do with music streaming and more to do with our ongoing efforts spread the love language, music and equal respect for all modes of art. Jack is for artists and Third Man does what we can when we can to help them out. That’s our heart and soul right there. Whether it’s printing obscure records or trying to get struggling musicians paid in some way, or bringing attention to writers and poets and film that we love and respect that’s what we’ll always be for.

Lastly, Jack is a guy who just did a tour charging $3 for a ticket price. How are we getting him mixed up with someone who’s ‘just in it for the money’? Everything we do at Third Man is a bad business move! But we do it because we love, music, and art and making new beautiful things exist that previously did not.

Watch Jack White’s video for “Lazaretto”:

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Welsh Da God Brooklyn New York. Co founder of Onthesceneny Follow me Twitter Welsh_ci/ Instagram Welsh_ci.

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