Is it Bad to Condition Your Hair Every Day?

 when she wouldn’t come out of the bathroom, I peeked in to investigate and look what I found…

Question of the Day:
I have really dry curly hair. Will It damage my hair if I condition it everyday?

The Right Brain responds:
The answer depends on HOW you condition your hair. Rinse out conditioners are the worst – not because the conditioner itself does any damage but because of the processes of washing,  rinsing and drying.

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Three ways the conditioning process can be bad

  1. If you used any shampoo prior to conditioning you may be stripping your hair of moisturizing oils.
  2. Just wetting and drying your hair (even without shampoo) causes the cuticle to expand and contract which can be weakening because it creates radial cracks in the outer cuticle layers.
  3. Towel drying your hair always involves some degree of frictional abrasion that can crack and scrape off even more cuticle.

Leave in conditioners can be less damaging
If you’re not washing and wetting your hair, leave in conditioners are just fine. At most they require just a little combing to smooth them through your hair. If you’re washing your hair anyway (or at least getting it wet for some reason) it’s better to go ahead and condition. But if you can skip a shampoo-wet-dry cycle and use a leave in conditioner instead, you’ll avoid opportunities for damage.

CN Approved Leave Ins and Moisturizers:  

  • Giovanni Direct Leave-In 
  • Oyin Handmade Hair Dew 
  • Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Hair Milk 
How often do you condition, co-wash, poo, or otherwise wet your hair? What’s your process to minimize wear and tear?

CN Says:
Back in the day when I was co-washing daily or every other day for my Wash & Gos, my hair was angry as hell… tangly, dry and the ends split if I looked at them wrong. Once a week wash and re-style sessions or once every two week sessions are ideal for me and I keep my hair in a stretched state to make re-moisturizing easier. I also use a t-shirt to plop when I can, not a towel.

Oh, and the same goes for Boogie.  I wash her hair every two weeks but re-moisturize with a leave-in conditioner every few days.  

Finally, remember if you must co-wash often, you may be able to minimize collateral damage by adding pre-poos to your regimen.  For more info, CLICK HERE. 

About Author /

Connecting The World One Post At A Time. Dope Graphic Designer and Website Developer. Photoshop , FCP X , Logic , FL Studio , HTML , CSS , PHP some of my dope things i do :).

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